" latest version of Vinyl Express LXi we have is 8.5, which is now end of life," What does that mean? Have you tried to reinstall it? Is the dongle not working? I can still run my Flexi 7.6 which is a lot older than the 8.5. eps files and was able to import them into my Flexidesigner10.5 software.

We choose not to convert the files for this person, because many, many of them were copyright protected logos which were illegal to reproduce. I just chose the ARIAL just to look at the design. Flexi software will tell you the name of the missing font. So it would change all the fonts to ARIAL font. The only problem that I had when I changed the files were, many of the files had text on them and I did not have those fonts downloaded and installed on my computer, and I was not going to do that. But another thing that might be a problem with Signblazer, is that it is old outdated software. What I am saying is go into your documents, choose a file, right click it and rename, erase the. I would make a copy of the original file, so that you don't loose the file. Now before you go try something like that. I went to the document files, and changed the. Does anyone use Vinyl Express LXi vinyl cutting software? And more importantly, use it with a 64-bit version of windows.I only use Flexi software and someone was wanting to change all of their old. I know this is highly unlikely but i figured i would ask anyways. Our users have said they have not found anywhere Vinyl Express LXI 12 Master plus full cracked like. Free download the full version of the Vinyl Express LXI 12 Master plus Windows and Mac. I was wondering if Sign Blazer would work with this Vinyl Express R Series II cutter and if Sign Blazer is very hard to learn to use? Free Download Vinyl Express LXI 12 Master plus Full Software Crack, Cracked, Pro, Serial, Key, Activation, Latest Version for computer with Windows and Mac. Of course it doesn't cut as large a design as the Vinyl Express machine. I presently use the Cameo a lot which to me is so much easier to learn to use. The LXI software seems difficult to learn to me.